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Army Sport NewsCycling News


The Army Cycling Union Executive Committee has agreed to suspend all Army Cycling activities until at least 30 April; this is in line with direction from our NGB, British Cycling. We have taken this decision in order to take all necessary steps to protect the health and wellbeing of riders and event organisers. Furthermore, this is line with the Government’s direction on social distancing. The immediate impact will be on Ex WELSH EPIC, ACRRS Round One and ACMTBXC Series Rounds One and Two, all of which will be cancelled. Where possible the ACRRS and ACMTBXCS events will be re-scheduled

We know that this will be a disappointment to many and we ask that you continue to pull together (albeit virtually) during this difficult time. We will do our best to get you back on the roads and trails as soon as it is safe to do so. In the mean-time, why not sign-up to a watt-bike league or use the ever popular Zwift app if you are unlucky enough to be confined to your home, we are sure there will be volunteers out there who are willing to organise such events.

This does not stop unit cycling in the Army when used as a specific activity that contributes to operational capability under the chain of command’s authority and direction; and, leaves the onus on the chain of command to ensure compliance with safe-place / safe-activity principles for training after conducting the appropriate risk assessments.

Further direction and guidance will be provided mid-April, and as and when the situation improves.